Coupons, Celery, and Change.

Posted by Brandon Lagao | Posted in | Posted on 4/25/2009 11:33:00 AM

As I learned at a young age, knowledge is being aware or understanding different things. But wisdom, is the actual application of that knowledge and to me much more vital in life. I'd like to think that when I make a mistake I learn from it and apply it to my life. But there is one mistake that I often make which I never seem to learn from. I thought that maybe writing it down would help me to instill it in my life. So here it goes:


As a bachelor, you only have to look after yourself. Which means, when it comes to dinner you can make whatever your heart desires. That being the case, it is OK that you take multiple trips to the grocery store throughout the week. The only problem is that when you are at the checkout line, NO MATTER WHAT, DO NOT GET IN LINE BEHIND AN OLD LADY! It has come back to bite you too many times to count. While she writes her check instead of paying with a debit card, or uses 29 coupons in order to save 19 cents, or disputes with the cashier on whether or not celery is 96 cents per stalk rather then 99 cents, or pays her whole bill in pennies after counting it twice just to make sure, all YOU can do is stand there in regret and wait to pay for your 5 items while all the other lines seem to be going in fast forward. Brandon, in the future, please learn from these mistakes.

With Love,


Comments (1)

haha excellent advice!
my mom still does the coupon thing! i try to tell her that the money she saves is not worth the energy & time involved in actually using the freaking things, but still - jeez louise.