Understand The Financial Crisis!

Posted by Brandon Lagao | Posted in | Posted on 10/16/2008 08:48:00 AM

I'm glad I finally ran across someone being straight-up about the economy and this election. It was everything I would have loved to sit down and write (but with way more facts backing up his statements) Do yourself a favor and read below. Necessary changes to your mindset should ensue.


Comments (3)

You realize none of that had anything to do with understanding the financial crisis other than him saying the gov't had short term solutions. It was more about Americans philosophy on how to live their lives.

You're right, maybe I could've chose another title. It should have been somethign more like, "Quit freaking out about the Financial Crisis...until you learn more about it. And then freak out appropriately. But don't expect the gov't to fix everything...it starts with YOU!"

Yeah, that would have been better, but a little wordy.

My point is that I agree, for the most part, with his philosophy on how Americans should be better stewards of their finances.

I'm not sure but this could be the first time ever that you have said I am right.

Mark down October 16th, 2008 as the beginnning of the end of the world.