Juice Day 5: 9/20

Posted by Brandon Lagao | Posted in | Posted on 9/20/2012 08:45:00 PM

This blog is going to get pretty boring if all days were like today.  Maybe I should track my weight or something, so at least I can write about my results.  But today was just like any ordinary day, except instead of solid food, I drank juice.  I felt energized, normal, and haven't really had any cravings.  I can be around people eating other food now, without having to walk away, so that's a big step.

I think my goal for tomorrow is to be a little more active with my day.  Maybe go for a run or something.  That might make this a little authorized challenging.  Some friends of mine are doing a 10 day fast and it sounds like they are drinking juice every 2 hours...if that's how i'm supposed to do it, then i'm screwed.  I usually drink about 3 or 4 16-20oz glasses of juice a day and lots of water.  I might start adding flavorless protein to some of my juice as well...that'll keep me buff right?

Juice Recipe of the Day: Cantaloupe & Carrot

  • 1/2 Cantaloupe
  • 4 Carrots

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