Day 12: Second Dive

Posted by Brandon Lagao | Posted in | Posted on 5/14/2009 08:45:00 PM

Today was my second day of diving. I feel much more comfortable today then I was yesterday. The first day I couldn't help but think the while time if my equipment was faulty or what if I were to panic and forget to do something. But today things just slowed down a bit and I was able to be more calm. I guess it's just like any sport, at first everything goes very fast and you have to think about what it is you are doing. But with practice and repetition it all slows down, you think less, and everything just becomes more natural.

Also like any sport, I get competitive. I always try to be the best and I know some people hate me for it, but that's just how I roll I guess. My life would be totally different if I was one to settle or if I didn't give everything my all. In diving, I can't help but compete with the other guy in the course with me. On all the quizzes I've got 100% and on most all of the skill exercises i've got them right on my first try. Too bad diving doesn't work that way. If someone else does not do good on the skills or doesn't know the correct procedures it could cost them their life. So i've had to change my mindset around and make sure we both are the best.

Today we did our second dive at this site called "Angol Point". This time we went to about 12 meters or 40 feet deep. The visibility wasn't that great but I did see some pretty cool stuff. I like seeing the ridiculously big, giant clams cause they are straight out of a cartoon! Now I have to do some homework before a long day tomorrow.

Comments (1)

what about sponge bob??? Did you see sponge bob? :)