Day 7: The Castaway and His Dog

Posted by Brandon Lagao | Posted in | Posted on 5/09/2009 05:49:00 PM

Last night was great. I had dinner at "Summer's Place" where they serve all-you-can-eat Mongolian BBQ for about $4. While I was there I met a San Miguel Beer promo girl named Julie. Her english is somewhat broken, like most of the people here, but she basically is a college student from St. Augustin in Iloilo City(pronouced ee-low-ee-low), and she "models" here in Boracay part time. We hit it off pretty well and buying a cell phone turned out to be a good decision since she became the first phone number that I got here, haha.
I also got to know my server, Loraine pretty well. We had a good conversation on what filipino's consider "pretty." Typically, lighter skinned is better...which explains the whitening sun lotion! I made an assumption that people with dark skin are working class and she basically said that darker skinned or "black" are from the mountains. She taught me some tagalog as well...although most of it was not retained.
Later on, I hung out with Julie and her friend Royce after they got off of work. Royce is also a SMB promo girl who is a student from the Univ. of the Philippines in Manila. Conversation was much easier with her because Manila is more westernized I guess. And she just so happened to be a public admin major, which she explained is a mash-up of marketing, economics, and other business related subjects. Being a biz major myself, we got into a great convo about various things. She was refreshingly intelligent and up to speed on the current economy. Tonight we are planning on all hanging out again. Yay friends!
Today was my best day of the trip so far. The storm has passed and the weather is great. Luckily yesterday I signed up or a Island Hopping Tour for today at 10am-4pm. I got up this morning, ate breakfast, had a cup of coffee, and was off. My group was about 20 people, all Filipinos. We got on this asian looking boat, and headed off to do some snorkeling, sight seeing, and other touristy stuff. While snorkeling, I told everyone there was a shark below us and after a few scream, I let them know I was joking. Luckily, they thought it was funny and it turned out to be sort of like an icebreaker. From there we headed to a little island called Crystal Cove. I seriously want to own that place. It was a very peaceful island covered with beautiful foliage, animals, and artifacts. At one point I got split up from the group and that's when the real fun began. My imagination took over and I couldn't help but pretend I was the only survivor on the island. You can pretty much call me Tom Hanks from Cast Away. I must've run from one end of the island to the other in utter joy. I was born to be in the hot sun, doing awesome things. I eventually found my group and got to go down into these little caves that led to hidden little beaches.
We took the boat to another little island for lunch, where a bunch of little kids swam up to us while we were still moving pretty fast and grabbed on to the "wings" of the boat. As we anchored, the kids started started doing backflips and then all started saying, "coins. coins. coins. coins!". It was very reminiscent to the seagulls in Finding Nemo saying "Mine, mine, mine!" And let me just preface this next part with this: If ever there was a day that I ate dog...then today was that day. One thing I should make understood is that in the Philippines they have what they call "Barbeque". It's not labeled bbq chicken, or beef, or pork, or even dog. Its all just BBQ. And it is delicious. You just never really know what it is until you bite into it. Today I had some BBQ. It's basically just meat on a wooden skewer. I THINK I had chicken and beef...but I'm not 100% sure.

As of right now, i'm on the beach, under the sun, listening to Lovedrug, enjoying a few ice cold San Miguels, and watching the local kids play tag. It really has been the best day yet.

Sidenote: There are flying ants in the PI. Big ants. And they are really freaking me out.

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